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Qi Aerista Post-Campaign Update #10

Qi Aerista Post-Campaign Update #10

Hello Qi Aerista Supporters!   

Here's our regular bi-weekly update to our wonderful backers.

After much assembly and testing work, we are finally ready for some tea brewing with our new prototype. A couple of the parts are still at the prototype shop undergoing surface treatment due to some scheduling hiccups. So we are reusing earlier prototype parts and the wider base for the tests. 

Benchmarking new Qi Aerista prototype (R) with earlier version (L)
Benchmarking new Qi Aerista prototype (R) with earlier version (L)

We did initial tests to compare the tea brewing performance of our latest prototype with our earlier black Qi Aerista prototype (used in our video). It appears that with our design revisions and streamlining, we can make a stronger brew than before. 

Brewing tests with green, oolong, earl grey, black, strong brew and milk tea.
Brewing tests with green, oolong, earl grey, black, strong brew and milk tea.

We have also upgraded the firmware and fitted the new PCBA with the top base cover. UI works. I/O works, wi-fi connection works, but some additional configuration is necessary in order to connect to our partner's IoT cloud service.

Selecting green and medium
Selecting green and medium

Based on the prototype testing results over the past 2 weeks, we have made a number of additional design modifications to increase circulation & immersion efficiency, usability and safety. Some of the changes have already been realized by our prototype shop and they worked well in our prototype.

Improved immersion effects with plain water (L) and with tea (R)
Improved immersion effects with plain water (L) and with tea (R)

With mechanical design and prototyping work for Qi Aerista now finally winding down, we are now just steps away from formally entering mass production stage. We have already been engaging in deep discussions with our various partners in appliance manufacturing, PCBA, app, IoT cloud, logistics and tea suppliers and to align all the necessary resources and resolve the many issues in preparation for mass production. 

Over the next 2 weeks we will see:  

  • A few more prototype parts coming in after design adjustments and surface treatment 
  • More brewing tests to verify functionality
  • IoT cloud platform integration of our new prototype
  • Discussions on production arrangements with our manufacturing partners based on our finalized design
  • Discussions with various other partners in PCBA, app, IoT cloud, logistics and tea supply

Together we are making Qi Aerista a reality!     



Rick @ Qi Aerista


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